Sports Boosters
New Hope Sports Booster Program
Sports at New Hope
Part of the athletic program’s mission is to develop excellence through educational and competitive experiences. From these experiences, relationships develop between the athlete, coach, and ultimately, the team. As mentors, coaches must inspire their athletes to strive to discover the best in themselves and emphasize the values of being trustworthy, respectful, responsible, and supportive. Our athletic program builds character and emphasizes skills in leadership, motivation, and teamwork at the varsity, junior varsity, and lower levels.
What is the Booster Program at New Hope?
First, it supports students in their athletic endeavors. Second, it raises funds for expenses not
covered by the school’s budget for athletics. Third, it brings together the Athletic Department, students, parents, faculty, and administration of New Hope. Our booster club is an organization that was formed to contribute money to our sports teams, and general athletic program at New Hope Grade School. Our club is organized and run by parents of students, teachers, and coaches. Fundraisers are held regularly to raise money for supplies, equipment, and improvements that the program needs to further the athletes’ development. This may include but not limited to team trips, uniforms, balls, training aids, support staff, and equipment.
Who are members of the Booster Program?Any parent of a New Hope student is a booster member, whether you have a child playing a sport or you just enjoy watching school sports. Current and former New Hope students and faculty are also booster members. And, anyone who enjoys grade school sports and wants to support our program.
What do members do?
They volunteer for fund raisers and at the concession stands to raise funds for the athletic program at New Hope; they cheer and support the athlete and the team; and, they have fun!
Why do we need additional funds?We need to continue to offer rewarding experiences to our student athletes and provide a championship caliber sports program at New Hope.
How can I help by supporting sports at New Hope?
Attend or volunteer at the various sporting events throughout the year. Your help is also needed at the various fundraisers throughout the school year and possibly some during the summer months. The need for these fundraisers is especially important, as most of us are aware of the financial situations the state of Illinois is in regarding school funding.Now is the time to volunteer to help out the Athletic Booster Club. We need all the families of all sports teams to become booster club members, but just as important, is having 100% volunteer effort by all our members. During this school year we have a number of activities that require Booster participation.
Activities vary and Boosters can contribute their time and talents in many ways. Help make the difference for our student athletes and community.