Bus Rules
Bus Rules
1. Be courteous to one another, no arguing or cursing.
2. Do not eat or drink on the bus.
3. Keep the bus clean, use the trash cans.
4. Do not smoke on bus or around bus loading zone.
5. Keep head, hands and feet inside the bus.
6. Stay in your seat. Do not stand between the seats.
7. The bus driver is authorized to assign seats.
8. Do not be destructive to the bus or students items
9. Cooperate with the driver at all times.
10. Do not put gum under seats or in floor, use trash cans.
11. Observe all school and classroom rules on the bus.
12. Do not write or draw on interior of the bus.
13. Do not block back window on bottom rear door.
14. Keep backpacks and feet out of the aisle.
15. Do not leave seat while bus is in motion.
16. Do not lower window below black line.
Do not find yourself having to pay for damages done to the bus or losing your riding privileges. We do enforce busing rules, so follow the rules.